Children and Family Activities Sunday 14th March 2021
Song: Feels Good!
A great song about being together…
Story: Hannah and Samuel from 1 Samuel 1
Hannah longed for a baby so she prayed to God- and he heard her prayer. Because Hannah had a baby, when he was old enough she dedicated him to God. God gave her the family she longed for.
Families come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, with happy and sad times too. When Jesus was on the cross, he asked his best friend John, to take care of his mother, Mary. God takes care of us when families are sad.
Let’s take care of each other in every sort of time!
Last week, we had some knitted hearts to give to someone else to say thank you or I’m thinking of you. If you’d like to make some yourself- here are the instructions.
Knitted Hearts:
Crochet Hearts:
Or how about giving a cup of tea- cut out and colour this one!

Why not make a Prayer Cube?

Write a name on each face of the cube; glue it together. Roll the cube like a dice and then pray for the person whose name you can see.
Dear God,
Thank you that you care for all sorts of people in all sorts of families.
Please be with us in happy and sad times. Amen
Song: Faithful One: