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Family activities- 3rd Sunday of Advent December 13th

ANNOUNCING: “A Child will be Born”

adapted from Luke 1:26-38

In the city of Nazareth, in Galilee, there lived a young woman named Mary. Mary was soon to marry a carpenter named Joseph. Hear her story here…..

So, one day Gabriel, an angel, visited Mary and said: "Greetings, most favoured one, and do not be afraid. God has chosen you among all women. Very soon you will have a baby, you must call him Jesus"

This would be a very special baby. He would be great, and his kingdom would last forever and ever. He told her that the child would be called the Son of God. Mary bowed before the angel Gabriel and told him she would be obedient to God and that she wanted to do as God wished. When she got up the angel had gone.

Now it is time for a song… I think you know from school.

It was on a starry night

This baby certainly was special- God’s Son, a King! Yet he was not born in a palace, not born rich, but born in a stable. Mary and Joseph looked on in wonder at this tiny baby, this tiny King who was born to save the world.

Time for some craft…making an angel.

This is too complicated to explain in words- so here is a link to how it is done…


1. Fold in half lengthways

2. Cut round the outside line and wiggly wings

3. Keep folded and cut round head but not completely

4. Cut round next 2 lines and make a gap

5. Cut round remainder lines to form arms

6. Unfold and cut straight lines only to the end (not all the way through)

7. Then fold as shown in above video

8. Good luck!

And just because we are racing into Christmas here’s two crafts you might also enjoy…


a Christmas Tree

A Christmas letter…

Dear Father

I have been really good this year and these are the things I would really love this Christmas. Thank you….

Dear Father

Actually, if I am honest, that is not quite true, I haven’t been good all year. There have been times when I have slipped up a bit. I am sorry, but please can you give me at least one of the things I would love. Thank you…

Dear Father

Actually when I think about it, I don’t deserve any of the things I would love. Maybe you could perhaps give me something I just need instead. Thank you

Dear Beloved Child

I have seen that you have slipped up many times this year and I have forgiven each and every one of them. I am giving you my most precious gift of all. The wrapping is unique for everybody- just look in the mirror. My gift to you is the baby who was born at Christmas in a stable, my Son. He lives in your heart and fills it with love from me to you.

Dear Father

What an amazing gift. You are awesome.


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