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Childrens' Activities Moses and the Red Sea-the Exodus



In our studying of the Old Testament, we have got to the most well-known story of Moses. This is the story of how Moses led the people away from Pharaoh, away from slavery and out of Egypt. But there was just one problem- a huge stretch of water lay between them and freedom. What would happen now- how would God help them?


Moses and the Exodus for Big Kids

Moses. The name of the hero who saved Israel from the bondage of the Egyptians was Moses. After the 10 plagues, the final plague was too much for the Egyptians to bear. Pharaoh told Moses to take these people away and leave the land of Egypt. They celebrated the first Passover together in their homes before they left.

Goshen. The Israelites were slaves in the land of Goshen, and it was here that the people of Israel multiplied so rapidly that Pharaoh issued an order to start destroying them. God called Moses as the deliverer and he led them out of Goshen and out of the hands of Pharaoh.

The Exodus. The Hebrews were finally given the command to leave Egypt, and they celebrated the Passover in their homes in the land of Goshen. At that point they journeyed into the wilderness of Egypt and came to the Red Sea. There were 600,000 men and also women and children. God appeared to them in the form of a large cloud like a tornado during the day, and a pillar of fire by night.

The Parting of the Red Sea. Pharaoh decided that it was too humiliating to allow the Hebrews to overpower him. He gathered his army and commanded his chariots to slaughter the Hebrews. The Israelites found themselves with nowhere to go, they cried out to Moses and he raised his staff and suddenly the waters of the Red Sea parted. It was a miracle that the giant sea separated in the Israelites crossed the entire sea on dry land. Pharaoh's chariots chased after the Israelites into the dry land and the sea had parted. Immediately the waters came back on them and destroyed them all.

The Sinai Wilderness. the Israelites crossed the Red Sea on dry land and made it to the other side, but this was just the beginning because now they had entered the great and terrible wilderness, a place God would again test them for 40 years.

The study of Moses is very important in the study of the Bible, let's pray:

Dear Jesus, we thank you for Moses, he was a man who was dedicated to you, and your Word calls him the humblest man on the face of the earth. Thank you Lord that you protect your people, and thank you that there are courageous people who are not afraid to stand with you when there's trouble. Help us to be strong. We love you. In Jesus name? Amen! (Taken from,let%20the%20people%20go%20and%20they%20remained%20slaves.)

Craft Activity

Parting of the Red Sea

You will need:

1 x piece of blue paper cut like this

1 x sea- bed like this

And some people figures… like these.

1.Colour in your river bed- you can colour in the fish or stick on some new ones.

2. Cut up your blue paper and glue your “waves” either side of the river bed.

3. Colour your people in ( you can make these how you like- you could glue on “clothes” instead of colouring made from sweet wrappers or bits of tissue or old wrapping paper).

4.Then stick them in a line walking through the waves.

And For the word- searchers among us… go to

this is interactive!

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Heart of England Community Foundation’s
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St Catherine's Church & Pastoral Centre, Acorn Street, Stoke Aldermoor, Coventry CV3 1DP 

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