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Friday April 3rd - GLU - It’s nearly Palm Sunday!

Song: Hallelu Hallelu Hallelujah! by

And don’t forget the rules. Stand up on the Hallelujahs, sit down for Praise ye the lord!

Story Video: God's Story - Palm Sunday by


- Make Donkey poo balls…

- Or if you don’t have condensed milk

- Edible donkey poo

‘Jesus found a donkey and rode on it, just as the scripture says,’ John 12: 14 Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. Donkeys are known for their reliability, strong backs and feet. Talk about why Jesus chose a donkey instead of a handsome horse, fit for a king?

- Make some palm branches - they don’t have to be green… use whatever spare paper (old wrapping paper) that you have! Wave them about as you’re singing…

- And Palm Sunday Spinner:

- Make a Palm Cross.

Here’s an idea from someone in our diocese:

“Do you want to be part of something BIG this weekend? We are encouraging everyone in the diocese, to make a palm cross using any material they like. Write across the horizontal limb ‘CHANGING CHURCH’ and down the vertical limb whatever you choose. For example, ‘UNCHANGING GOD’ ‘FAITHFUL GOD’ or ‘JESUS SAVES’. ’ Take a ‘selfie’ of you holding your palm cross. Then post it on your Facebook timeline at exactly 5.00 pm on Palm Sunday to remind everyone that the CHURCH IS ALIVE! (put a link to your Easter Day live-stream service beneath the photo). Put your cross in your window where people can see it.”

- How about a cross made from two lines of shoes - I know that won’t go in your window but take a picture! We’re walking with Jesus?

Prayer: Ask Seek Knock by

A good song for praying along to. So much is changing all around us. What do we want to Ask for; Can we Seek- look for God and find him just where we are?

And a new song to learn.

God is with us and we follow him whatever happens.. He leadeth me!

Who is feeling brave and wants to put a video up of their dance moves to one of our songs?

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We are supported by a grant from the
Heart of England Community Foundation’s
Coventry Building Society Community Fund and the National Lottery Communities Fund for our new community garden.

St Catherine's Church & Pastoral Centre, Acorn Street, Stoke Aldermoor, Coventry CV3 1DP 

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